I don’t know about you but when I’m exercising, the only way that I know I’m doing it right is when it hurts.

If I’m following a pilates class and not breaking a sweat or shaking from muscle exhaustion, alarm bells start to clang in my head. Rightfully or not, I carry these sentiments over into a lot of other fields.

Wheatgrass smoothie tastes absolutely disgusting? Must be good for me!

Waxing my legs feels like the fiery depths of hell? Must be way better than shaving.

Thinking of a blog post and then really not wanting to write it? That should be the one to crack on with today.

I recently watched a video in which a very wise woman extolled the virtues of letting fear be your compass, and it really struck a chord with me. So since then I’ve been aiming to recognize fear or unwillingness in all of the above scenarios and make myself do the things I would love to avoid. And I’ve been pretty good at it, if I do say so myself.

  • Starting a blog – check.
  • Opening up about the reality of moving abroad and having no friends – done.
  • Pitching articles to real life magazines – nailed it.
  • Promoting my blog to existing friends and family – … Hey, one thing at a time guys.


So here I am, pouring my heart and soul into these words and yet I genuinely couldn’t think of anything worse than people I know coming across it. I don’t know if it’s the stigma of being one of those “bloggers” or just the honesty of these pages, but I really don’t want to share this with my loved ones. I’m embarrassed.

Initially I toyed with the idea of writing anonymously, but it just seemed like way too much effort! So I used my real name, accepting a life of near-constant fear that with every post posted, a colleague or family member will drop me a note;

“Wow. Never had you down as the ‘blogging type’.”

“Pretty self involved, dontcha think?”

“So you’re a BBLLOOOOGGEERRR now, are you?”

Nobody has ever said these words to me, they come entirely from inside my head. Sadly, this is a truth easier typed than believed.

This morning, however, my worst fears were confirmed. Not one, but two of my dear friends found my dirty little secret.

I had foolishly posted on Twitter, banking on the fact that I have a mortifyingly low number of followers and that most of my friends haven’t used the platform in years. But these two, these sneaky little tweeters, had decided that yesterday was the day to reignite their passion for the 140 character statement. Brilliant.

“Speaking of [irrelevant conversation topic we were discussing], I found your blog last night.”

“Oh. You did?”

“How do you find time to write so well every single day!? I read all your posts in bed, it’s so good! Will there be more tomorrow?”

In a shocking and unexpected turn of events, my friends were supportive and nice to me. Plot twist or what?


So am I shouting about this thing from the rooftops and printing banners to hang outside of my apartment? Not quite.

But do I feel slightly closer to fanning the flames of this candle I’ve gone and lit? That’s a strong maybe.


How did you manage sharing your blog with friends and family? Do you have tips to help get me through it? Or should I keep it hidden forever? Let me know in the comments!

20 thoughts on “On Being a Scaredy Cat

  1. One reason I started my blog is because of my family. My sister, my mom and my uncle all said you tell your story so well.
    But my story has so many highs and lows that I don’t want people to connect with me. My husband is the only one that has seen it all.
    I pray my friends or family never stumble on my words or if they do, realize it’s only how I see it through my own eyes.
    Side note:
    I love how you write!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I blog anonymously. People know of blog, but when asked where they can read it is always say it’s anonymous because I wouldn’t be able to write if I knew people I know read it. Simply put, if you find it in can not under any circumstances know. I actually don’t care if they do. But if I know, my post do what I do in relationships, morph into what I think they want to hear. I couldn’t write openly about how I am processing whatever I feel the need to write about.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I couldn’t have stumbled upon your blog, particularly this post at a better time. I currently have all of these feelings and thoughts floating around in my head. I have created blogs many times in the past and stuck with it for roughly a week until I gave up and deleted my accounts. I am really trying to keep my blog going and let the words flow by approaching my blog and writing in a different way. A more community way by getting involved in the WordPress World and drawing some inspiration from others.
    With all that being said, I have yet to announce my posts/blogs to my family and have opted for the Twitter route with a few friends and family that follow me. While no one has checked out my blog (well I don’t know that for sure but no one has approached me about it) I am still unsure about what their reactions will be once they to stumble upon my tweets with a link to my page. Fingers crossed!
    Loved the post by the way, thanks for writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It can be really difficult, but it’s nice hearing I’m not alone in this feeling! Everyone has different reasons for writing and for some, sharing with close friend just isn’t helpful. If sharing doesn’t seem right for you, then who says you have to! I have found the WordPress community to be such a helpful group though, with constant positivity and feedback. I hope you can find the same.


      1. I have always been so private about the things that I write. In college I loved to have writing workshops and critiques but it’s something about friends and family that is so hard for me to share my blog. I totally agree with you that the WordPress community is very helpful and supportive.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I think I’m going to remain anonymous because I know that there is definitely no way I would not blog about something that is really sensitive and I wouldn’t want people around me to know. That way, if they come across it, fine, but I wouldn’t have to subject myself to putting myself in their shoes and trying to imagine what would be going on in their head as they read it.
    It’s good that your friends supported you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey! Great post! Initially I was worried about sharing my blog with my friends because I didn’t want to be seen as “the guy who writes stuff on the internet”. But actually, everyone has been really supportive and I have about a 10-way tie between people claiming to be my #1 fan. Writing is cool, don’t be afraid to share it!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I started with a few close family members and friends, and then slowly branched out from there! Part of the reason why I started social media accounts for my blog was to not spam my friends quite as often haha! I’ve yet to have anyone make fun of me, though if they did at this point, I should think I would be indifferent! Nearly two years of blogging kind of commits you, regardless of what everyone says 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I find it easier for complete strangers to read what I post than for my friends and family to know. In fact, none of my friends or family know that I have a blog. I haven’t told them. I guess I am worried they would look at me differently if they read what goes on in my brain!


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